Crown Chakra – Understanding and Treatment


Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) for Divinity and Higer Values -

Today, we are going to understand in detail about Crown Chakra (Sahasrara), the 7th Chakra. This will help you understand it in detail with it characteristic and different ways to work on balancing it.

Basic Characteristics of Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra is Violet / White in colour. It is situated at Top of the Head. The element of Crown Chakra is Thought.

Crown Chakra has the rights “to know”. The sense associated with this Chakra is Thinking. Its primary function is Enlightenment and Transcendence. It works on the principals of Divinity and Higher Values.

Understanding symptoms of Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) Sy Mantra - AlternateHealing.netBasic issues related to this chakra are Cognition, Self-knowledge. With the lack of energy or imbalance of Crown Chakra, symptoms noted are No joy of life. If the Sahasrara Chakra is over-active or excessively open, symptoms noted are Frustrated, maniac depressive, unrealized power. The colour of the chakra is used, in form of clothing and jewellery for the treatment, when the energy of chakra is low and its opposite colour is used when the chakra is excessively open. So, to balance the chakra energy when deficient, use Violet / White colour for treatment and Red colour is used to treat excessively opened chakra. The characteristics of balanced Sahasrara Chakra are Alchemist, no fear of death, miracle worker, open to the divine.

Crown Chakra Connection

Sahasrara is connected to Reproductive System, Sex: Testes, Vagina, Pelvis, Legs, Feet and Tail-bone and Adrenals gland. It is emotionally connected to Spiritual Love and Compassion: Peace, Harmony, Loving, Thoughtful, Focused; Consciousness, Cosmic Love.

Crown Chakra Treatments

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) Location - AlternateHealing.netTo balance the Crown Chakra, using colour therapy, Decorate your home or workplace in shades of violet, wear violet clothing and jewellery.

You can use the chakra element to balance the chakra also. The element therapy to balance this Chakra – Connect with your wholeness and spirituality. Meditate, pray and chant.

The Crown Chakra can be balanced with good nutrition. Eat This chakra is nourished not with food but with spiritual practices. Its food is meditation, prayer and self-reflection.

By chanting Om while meditating can also help to balance Crown Chakra. Affirmation for balancing Crown Chakra is “I honour the divine within me all living things.”

Here, I am sharing a small meditation using Mudra for balancing Crown Chakra.

Put your hands before your stomach. Let the ring fingers point up, touching at their tops. Cross the rest of your fingers, with the left thumb underneath the right.

Concentrate on the Crown chakra at the top of your head.

Chant the sound NG.

Warning: don’t use this meditation for the Crown chakra while you don’t have a strong Root chakra (you need a strong foundation first).

Use any of the above methods consistently for 21 days to balance your Crown Chakra and experience the change in your life. For some people, it may take little longer too. Ensure you are doing it daily at a fix time and place, if you are meditating.

You can reach out to me on mail at [email protected] for any guidance or private sessions for chakra balancing and healing.

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